If you are an employer in Canada’s food and beverage manufacturing industry start here to find recent program graduates for positions you are looking to fill.
Find qualified individuals with the right skills for positions you have available.
As an employer in the Canadian food and beverage manufacturing industry, you can also benefit from the Food Safety Readiness Program! Start now by getting involved in this exciting program that is connecting New Canadians and international learners with available jobs. We have trained and eager graduates that are ready to join your team.

Contact us for graduate profiles and resumes.

Lower your recruitment and onboarding costs with our trained graduates.

Access individuals recently trained with proven courses in employability and technical skills.
Find your new hire right here!
Our program graduates are located across Canada – search our database to find the individual for you!
Employers get involved now!
1. Create a job opportunity for a position in your company
2. Send the opportunity to our program administrators at newtocanada@fpsc-ctac.com to be promoted to our networks.
3. Check out recent graduates featured in the online graduation ceremonies.
4. Schedule “virtual” interviews with potential candidates.
5. Make a formal job offer and welcome a highly skilled & knowledgeable individual to your team!